Contact the Duke Annual Fund

Choose or Write Your Own Message – Phone Numbers are Below!!

Pick some list items or add your own!

**Start Here:

Hi!  My name is [name],  Class of [20xx]

Pick applicable:

  1. I am not giving to Duke’s senior gift fund
  2. I will not be giving to Duke
  3. I will be abstaining from buying Duke merchandise

because of

  1. Duke’s refusal to treat workers fairly and pay all workers a living wage,
  2. stalled and false negotiations with students that do not bring workers to the table,
  3. continued ultimatums and surveillance of protesting students
  4. Duke’s failure to hold high ranking administrators to the same standards of conduct as students and workers
  5. The racism that permeates the administration from EVP trasks behavior towards ms underwood to the daily micro aggressions within the pts department

If Duke

    1. negotiates fairly with both student occupiers and available workers,
    2. takes action against EVP Trask, PTS Director DePinto and VP Kavanaugh, and


  • uses its robust fundraising capacity to create capital to provide a living wage of $15 for all available workers at Duke (<- please include)
  • Allows me to allocate my annual giving towards a fund dedicated to providing a living wage of $15 to part-time and subcontracted workers

I will be much more likely to give to the Annual Fund or I will give to the Annual Fund.

Thank you, [name]


Annual Fund Staff:

Contact directory:

Assistant Vice President:

Jennifer Spisak-Cameron

(919) 681-0417

Director of Development, Alumni and Leadership Giving:

Matthew Cloues T’98

(919) 681-0485

Program Coordinator, Young Alumni and Student Programs

Kelly Smith

(919) 681-0388

Parents Program

Heather Bennett T’96

Director of Development, Parents Program

(919) 681-0415